Reporting for 2021-2022
Measure 1: Completer Impact & Effectiveness (4.1)
Athens State University College of Education used a targeted three-semester plan to collect data on the impact of student learning focusing on separate programs each semester: Spring 2020 – Elementary and Early Childhood programs; Fall 2020 – Secondary programs (Biology, English, History, & Mathematics); Spring 2021 – P-12 programs (Health & Physical Education, Physical Education, Art, & Special Education/Collaborative K-6 & 6-12).
a. Completer impact in contributing to P-12 student-learning and growth
In Spring 2020, the Athens State University College of Education (COE) collected data from two school systems that employed 13 Early Childhood and Elementary completers. School District 1 and School District 2 provided the EPP with data from STAR reading and math, DIBELS, Gold Assessment, K-6 student perception surveys, and K-6 pre and post-tests that measured vocabulary acquisition and use. School District 2 also provided teacher observational data. In Fall 2020, the EPP made numerous attempts to reach a representative sample of completers. Data was received from one middle school math completer. The EPP was unable to obtain any student impact data for its P-12 programs in the Spring of 2021. The response rate for Fall 2020 – Spring 2021 data was limited based on complications due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The EPP did not disaggregate data when collected from small numbers of completers.
More data will become available as the EPP implements its new completer data collection plan, which was adopted in Fall 2021. This plan encompasses data collection over repeated two-year cycles and was designed with feedback from partners regarding their willingness to participate in the process. Data will be collected during the time frame identified by partners as the optimum window in which to receive data (early spring). The EPP will identify clinical partners that employ significant numbers of EPP completers and collaborate with partners to determine places of employment for all specialty areas, ensuring data is representative of its programs. A number of these partners have already agreed to collaborate with the EPP to facilitate the exchange of meaningful data regarding completers. The EPP has also begun establishing communication lines with interns to create a database of recent graduates. The collection is expected to begin during Spring 2023.
Impact on Learning (PDF)
b. Completer effectiveness in applying professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions
In Spring 2020, the COE employed multiple measures of teaching effectiveness for program completers. The EPP collected data for completers from the elementary and early childhood programs during the Spring 2020 semester (as part of its rotational completer reporting). The COE employed Tripod 7C’s Survey, Panorama Student Surveys, as well as teacher observations. Since all schools conducted remote learning during the Spring 2020 semester, the surveys and pre and post-tests for the EPP’s elementary and early childhood program completers were distributed electronically. The EPP received results for using the 6-12 Panorama student perception surveys from 98 students. COVID-19 restrictions limited observational data due to the remote learning formats employed by the school districts.
In Fall 2020, the Panorama Survey was distributed to the students of eight recent secondary Athens State University COE completers across multiple schools in 2 school districts. Responses were analyzed from 137 students regarding their perception of the effectiveness of their teachers.
In Spring 2021, the COE gathered data for P-12 programs. Two students completed the Panorama 3-5 student perception survey. Responses were particularly low because students were evaluating a Collaborative (Special Education) K-6 teacher, and collaborative teachers have fewer students than other program completers. Twenty-two students responded to the Panorama 6-12 student perception survey. Responses were mostly positive. No PE, HPE, or Art completers provide the EPP with observational data but received several observations in a Collaborative setting.
Data indicating completer effectiveness will be collected in the future according to the timeline outlined in the EPP’s new completer data collection plan (described in a) Measure 1, 1) Completer Impact). Data will be collected from students and employers to measure teaching effectiveness and instructional proficiencies. The EPP is collaborating with LEAs employing significant numbers of completers to gather data representative of the EPP’s programs and disaggregated by program.
Completer Effectiveness – Tripod Results (PDF)
Completer Effectiveness – Student Satisfaction Case Study (PDF)
Completer Effectiveness – Teacher Observations (PDF)
Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement (4.2, 5.3)
ALACTE Survey – In 2016, the Alabama Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (ALACTE) developed a yearly satisfaction survey to be administered electronically to all first-year teachers (completers) and their employers. This survey, validated and reliability-tested by ALACTE, is administered by the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE), which publishes the results of these surveys in a yearly Educator Preparation Institutional Report Card. This survey asks completers and employers to rate completer preparedness on 26 items that include instructional performance, meeting the needs of diverse learners, ethics, professional dispositions, and classroom management. The only difference between the two 26-item completer and employer surveys is the value the rater applies. They rate each item according to Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree for completers. For employers, they rate the same items on a continuum: Teacher Leader, Effective Teacher, Emerging Teacher, and Ineffective Teacher. The ALSDE distributes the surveys to all first-year teachers and their employers and ensures a significant response rate. The ALSDE does not disaggregate the data provided to the COE. Therefore, all data is presented in the aggregate as provided by the state.
ALSDE Employer and Completer Satisfaction Surveys Data (PDF)
Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion (3.3)
Measure 4: Ability of Completers to Be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Prepared